Through the years it has provided us with things all the way from this:

to this:

While one may seem vastly superior to the other, the principle behind them both is something we need to keep our children and students interested in throughout their entire lives. When children are young, their instinct to invent and create something that hasn't existed before runs wild. When I was a child, I was alway trying to invent new things. Today's school system however, has stamped that out of most of our youth by the time they hit middle school. "In order to succeed", we were told, "you need to do exactly these steps, in exactly this order and repeat". If we thought of a better way to do something, we never had a chance to try it out because we were taught that the only right way was the teacher's way, and with any other way, we would fail.
Letting our students be inventive is going to better prepare them for tomorrow's business world. We are no longer a society of factory workers who only need to learn a set of instructions in order to make a living. Creativity and inventiveness are a key component in order to be 'successful' in today's (and tomorrow's) society.
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